Disc Launcher

Hasbro's Engineering Project

I had the opportunity to work as an engineering co-op at Hasbro Inc. under the Advanced Technology & Innovation and Global Product Acqusition team where I was able to design and prototype new ideas and meet with inventors from all around the world.

During my time there I worked with three other co-ops and designed a Star Wars themed disc launcher. The product experience mimics a memorable scene in the movie where Luke is practicing with his lightsaber for the first time. We wanted to recreate this scene as a toy experience and were able to retrofit existing Hasbro toys and design a unique product.

The end result was an automated soft-foam disc launcher that a child could deflect or block with a toy lightsaber. I worked on the mechanical design of the launcher as well as designing the model in CAD. We presented the project to senior management and brand teams within Hasbro with a working prototype, costing sheet, and CAD models. Credits given to Emily Claghorn, Kevin Dixon, Jack Elliot.